Tuesday, December 28, 2010

10/31/09 "....Grip this stem of my history...

.....and help me shake through to ugly"  
-rose polenzani

when I hear people tell me that I'm a good photographer.... well... inside I kind of chuckle a bit. I'm the guy who learns most quickly by making the big mistakes... and I maintain that if you take enough shots - eventually you are going to come up with a good one.

somewhere... must have been a movie..I heard a saying, "don''t take pictures of beautiful things, take beautiful pictures of things..." 

that's trite but also very true... 

back in the early days of taking shots of the rock stars in my life at places like Schuba's in chicago... I took a lot of shots.... and I got some very nice ones - sub-consciously teaching myself the aesthetics as well as the technicals.... 

from time to time I will be showcasing a shot that I like of one of my folkie rock stars - see... the idea in my head about this blog is to not repeat anything that's already been published somewhere.... and that's not easy because all the great shots have already been pushed forward... it also means that I've got to get busy with my cameras and go out and start shooting again.

it's motivation

so here's one I came across from february of 2000

in this case - it's a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman - a good artist makes it easy to take a good picture...

copyright juneplastic/george green

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