Thursday, December 9, 2010

10/23/09 ....honey in the chemicals......

 "....I can't pose for this portrait without you....
the light is fading fast on what is true...."      -Philip Price

...and so it goes....
...for a few years, now I have been planning  my first feature length film, called, "Nookers..."
the idea behind it is that my sphere of influence now - my friends, media choices, attitudes - is directly and tenuously related to a listserve I joined in the mid-nineties devoted to a band I was following at the time....
The plan was to get down and dirty with myself - by examining the parallels of a wretched accident I was in, my subsequent self-medication and substance abuse, depression, music and friends.... as well as the resulting hypochondriasis and agoraphobic tendencies which all occurred while I was recovering from this all too brutal head injury.....
Part B of this plan included interviewing many of the people who were active on this listserve as well as as many of the band members I could talk into sitting for questions..
Not being a very persuasive person... and wanting to respect certain privacies.... I decided to abandon the project after feeling that many of the "instrumental figures" were hesitant to sit in front of a camera....
....and so it goes....
Today's shot is one I took this summer of a man called Bruce and his son, Peter... Bruce was waiting to be interviewed in my backyard.... and the footage I got will probably end up in another project that I have in mind.... but there will probably never be a "Nookers."

...and that''s really not a problem with me....

copyright juneplastic/george green

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